A pyramid is a type of competition with players/teams to challenge each other based on position in the pyramid. Players are ranked based on the results. Winners are progressing to the top of the pyramid, losers are downgrading to the bottom of the pyramid.
Players are listed in a shape of a pyramid and ranked from top to bottom, from left to right.
The ranking varies based on match results (new players start at the bottom of the Pyramid).
Players can challenge others (i) to the left of them on the same row, or (ii) one row above. Players ranked #1 – #10 can challenge any other player except lower-ranked players. If the challenging player wins, he/she moves to the spot of the challenged player and the challenged player drops down one position, pushing the rest of the players down a spot as well; if the challenging player loses, there is no movement in the rankings.
Players who don’t play any matches in 4 consecutive weeks, go down 2 ranking spots.